Sermon preached January 10, 2016
Texts: Nehemiah
8:8-10; John 2:1-11
Powerball fever is over for now. None of
the winning tickets was sold anywhere near Duluth, so I’m not expecting a huge
infusion of cash into our Capital Campaign.
Of course, the United Methodist Church discourages gambling, but I bet
if I were to ask, some tickets were purchased by some of you here. It’s probably not the best $1 or $2 or $5 you
ever spent, but…
amid the Powerball fever, someone posted on Facebook that if you took the $1.2
billion prize and divided it up among 300 million Americans, every person in
the country would receive $4.33 million.
Wow – except the math was all wrong.
Divide the prize among 300 million people and you would give each
$4.33. $1.2 billion is a huge prize, but
it is not as much as you would imagine. It is not as abundant an amount as you
might think.
image is very different from the gospel text in John. Here wine runs out, and Jesus’ mother calls
his attention to it. His initial
response is a little cold, but she thinks he can help. Six stone water jars, twenty to thirty
gallons each – that would be120 to 180 gallons – we want to be better at math
than that fuzzy Facebook post about the Powerball. The jars are filled with water at Jesus’
request, and the water is brought to the steward who finds it is wine. This is an image of great joy and
overwhelming abundance. The story as it
is told is rich with symbolism. A sign
occurs on the third day. Jesus time, it
seems, has arrived, even if his mother needed to nudge him into it a bit.
is a wonderful story in many ways, but bringing together text and context, our
context today on this weekend when we are celebrating the birthday of Martin
Luther King, Jr., makes this text seem rather odd. We remember Martin Luther King, Jr. as a
person who grappled with the difficult issues of his day. In the preface to his book, a collection of
sermon called The Strength to Love, published in 1963, King would write:
In these turbulent days of uncertainty
the evils of war and of economic and racial injustice threaten the very
survival of the human race. Indeed, we
live in a time of grave crisis. (ix).
King worked to alleviate racial injustice. He spoke out about the war in Vietnam. He marched with sanitation workers, fighting
for economic justice. King worked in a
time when those struggling for racial equality, for an end to segregation were
sometimes beaten, and a few even killed.
He worked at a time when African-Americans were systematically denied
the right to vote in parts of our country.
Black Americans marched during this time with placards that read simply,
“I Am a Man,” because for too long there were those who denied their humanity.
does this story of Jesus turning water into wine have to say to a turbulent
world? What might this image of joy and
abundance have to say to us today, in a world still marked by war and marred by
racial and economic injustice?
story reminds us of the importance of joy even in troubling times, even when
our lives are a struggle. Joy.
Luther King, Jr.’s dream was a dream filled with joyous images. I have
a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, sons of former slaves and
sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of
brotherhood. I have a dream that one
day, even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of
injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an
oasis of freedom and justice. I have a
dream my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not
be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their
character. I have a dream today!... I have a dream that one day every valley
shall be exalted, every hill and moutain made low, the rough places shall be
made plain, and the crooked places shall be made straight and the glory of the
Lord will be revealed and all flesh shall see it together. This is a dream filled with hope and
abundance and joy.
one of his sermons (“Three Dimensions of a Complete Life”), King preached about
life in relationship to God. But with him, we are able to rise from
tension-packed valleys to the sublime heights of inner peace, and find radiant
stars of hope against the nocturnal bosom of life’s most depressing nights. With God there can be joy.
in his final public speech, King would speak of happiness. And
I’ve seen the promised land. I may not
get there with you. But I want you to
know tonight, that we, as a people will get to the promised land. And I’m happy tonight. I’m not worried about anything. I’m not fearing any man. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming
of the Lord.
King’s dreams and visions for
life and for the United States are dreams and visions of joy. They recall for me the words of a hymn, a
more recent hymn and not one we’ve done a lot – “A Place at the Table.” God
will delight when we are creators of justice and joy, yes, God will delight
when we are creators of justice, justice and joy!
people of faith, as followers of Jesus, we are drawn toward visions of the
world that are joyous. Even more, joy
gives us energy for living toward those visions. In that sermon he preached on the three
dimensions of a complete life, King preached: Set yourself earnestly to discover what you are made to do, and then
give yourself passionately to the doing of it. Discover what you are to do, how you might
contribute to God’s work, be about the work of justice and joy, and do it with
words pre-shadow words later written by Frederick Buechner. In writing about “vocation,” that is, what
God calls us to in our lives, Buechner writes, “The place God calls you to is
the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet” (Wishful
Thinking, 119). I know when there is
a certain lack of joy in my life it is an indicator that I need to pay attention
to something. I need to recalibrate in
my relationship with God and with life.
think we hear something of this importance of joy in the very ancient story of
Nehemiah. Returning from exile,
rebuilding Jerusalem, we hear that both Ezra and Nehemiah encourage the
people. This day is holy to the Lord your God; do not mourn or weep…. Go your way, eat the fat and drink sweet wine
and send portions of them to those for whom nothing is prepared, for this day
is holy to our Lord; and do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your
joy of the Lord is our strength. No
matter the challenges in our world or in our lives, joy is to be a central part
of who we are. We work toward a joyful
vision. We are energized by joy.
poet Rumi wrote, “The soul is here for its own joy.” (“Someone Digging in the
Ground” in Bly ed., The Soul is Here for Its Own Joy, 166). The Christian spiritual teacher, Henri Nouwen
wrote: Joy does not simply happen to
us. We have to choose joy and keep
choosing it everyday. The joy of the
Lord is our strength. No matter the
challenges in our world or in our lives, joy is to be a central part of who we
are. We work toward a joyful vision. We are energized by joy.
is not a shallow “happiness” where one ignores the difficulties of life or the
pain in one’s life. Joy sees truthfully,
yet also sees that God continues to be at work.
There is joy in knowing we are loved, beloved. There is joy in knowing that we can work with
God toward God’s joyful vision for the world.
There is joy in making a difference.
I think of the movie that some of us watched last Sunday afternoon, a
Twin Ports United Methodist Ministries youth event – the movie “Inside,
Out.” One of the lessons of the movie is
that sadness has its place in our emotional palate, that sadness and joy are
not antithetical – and it is an entertaining movie.
we can lighten up, that is, know joy – the joy of being loved, the joy of
working with God in the world – when we can lighten up with joy, we lighten up
the world, we shine more brightly with God’s love.
we lighten up, we lighten up.
would like you to help me wrap this sermon up.
Turn toward someone and encourage them – “Let your light shine with
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