Sermon preached January 26, 2014
Texts: Matthew
Hurts” Roy Orbison
Hurts” Nazareth
you are a fan of Roy Orbison and his song, “Love Hurts” you may be disappointed
by the remake of the song that was done in the mid-1970s by a band named
“Nazareth.” If you thought that
“Nazareth” might be a religious band, you would really have been disappointed.
disappointments would probably be short-lived.
We can weather these kind of disappointments easily enough. Life is full of little disappointments.
not every disappointment is little. Life
is also marked by deeper disappointments, saddnesses, even traumas. Sometimes love hurts.
Sunday was the Sunday of the Martin Luther King, Jr. birthday, but this morning
I want to tell you a bit of his story. Dr.
King arrived in Montgomery in September, 1954.
He was a young pastor, assuming his first regular pulpit, still working
on a Ph. D. at Methodist-related Boston University. When he went to Montgomery, he had no
intention of leading a social protest.
He intended to serve a congregation as his father and grandfather had,
and perhaps someday become a college president.
Fifteen months after his arrival, Rosa Parks
refused to give up her seat on a bus. A
group of local clergy and church leaders formed the Montgomery Improvement
Association to organize a bus boycott. Martin,
the newest and youngest clergy, became the reluctant president of the association. There were twists and turns, arrests and
threats in the coming weeks.
one stint in jail, late at night, King received a phone call. The caller told him to leave Montgomery in
the next few days. He was seized with
fear. In his book Stride Toward Freedom, King reflected on that night:
I was ready to give up. With my cup of coffee sitting untouched
before me, I tried to think of a way to move out of the picture without
appearing a coward. In this state of
exhaustion, when my courage had all but gone, I decided to take my problem to
God. With my head in my hands, I bowed
over the kitchen table and prayed aloud.
The words I spoke to God that
midnight are still vivid in my memory.
‘I am here taking a stand for what I believe is right. But now I am afraid. The people are looking to me for leadership,
and if I stand before them without strength and courage, they, too, will
falter. I am at the end of my powers. I have nothing left. I’ve come to the point where I can’t face it
At that moment, I experienced the
presence of the Divine as I had never experienced God before. It seemed as though I could hear the quiet
assurance of an inner voice saying, “Stand up for justice, stand up for the
truth; and God will be at your side forever.”
Almost at once, my fears began to go.
My uncertainty disappeared. I was
ready to face anything.
Three days later, the King house
was bombed. “Strangely enough,” wrote
King, “I accepted the news calmly. My
religious experience a few nights before had given me the strength to face it.”
discouragement, even trauma. About a
month before he was assassinated, King preached a sermon at Ebenezer Baptist Church
in Atlanta entitled “Unfulfilled Dreams.”
He preached about disappointment.
Oh this morning, if I can leave anything
with you, let me urge you to be sure you have a strong boat of faith. The winds are going to blow. The storms of disappointment are coming. The agonies and anguishes of life are
coming…. It will be dark sometimes, and
it will be dismal and trying, and tribulations will come. But if you have faith in the God I’m talking
about this morning, it doesn’t matter.
For you can stand up amid the storms.
A month later, Dr. King was dead.
Now when Jesus heard that John had been
arrested, he withdrew to Galilee. He
left Nazareth and made his home in Capernaum by the sea. We don’t know everything there is to know
about the relationship between Jesus and John.
In Luke’s gospel they are related.
In all the gospels, Jesus comes to be baptized by John. Jesus was, it seems, among those who learned
from John. The gospels, written well
after the death of John and Jesus, and written to attest to Jesus, downplay the
role of John, but it is easy to think that he may have been an important
spiritual mentor for Jesus.
is arrested. Might Jesus have
experienced disappointment, discouragement, fear, a measure of trauma? When Jesus heard that John had been arrested,
he withdrew. He relocated. It was then that he began his own distinct
work. From that time Jesus began to proclaim, “Repent, for the kingdom of
heaven has come near.”
Discouragement, disappointment,
hurt, trauma. It touches our lives. One
never recovers from being human, in the words of psychoanalyst Michael
Eigen (frontpiece in Contact With the Depths). The therapist Mark Epstein writes: Everyday life is so challenging…. Life, even normal life, is arduous,
demanding, and ultimately threatening….
We are all traumatized by life, by its unpredictability, its randomness,
its lack of regard for our feelings and the losses it brings. Each in our own way, we suffer. The
Trauma of Everyday Life, 17)
Now when Jesus heard that John had been
arrested, he withdrew to Galilee. He
left Nazareth and made his home in Capernaum by the sea. Jesus was touched here by disappointment,
discouragement, hurt, a measure of trauma.
the story goes on. There seems a trust
that God has not abandoned him. In fact,
Jesus’s message is that the kingdom of God has come near. And in the midst of his disappointment Jesus
discovers his mission. He is able to
hear the call of God in his life even as he deals with disappointment,
discouragement, difficulty.
Rose, born September 20, 1947 (d. December 9, 1995) was a British scholar who
worked in the fields of philosophy and sociology. She was a talented academician who held a few
academic positions in her career. As
part of her thinking into the Holocaust, Professor Rose was engaged by the
Polish Commission for the Future of Auschwitz in 1990. In 1993, Rose was diagnosed with ovarian
cancer, and fought a brave battle with the aggressive disease until she succumbed
to it December 9, 1995 at the age of 48.
Born into a non-practicing Jewish family, Rose made a deathbed
conversion to Christianity through the Anglican Church.
one of her final books, Love’s Work, Rose wrote: When something untoward happens, some trauma or damage, whether
inflicted by the commissions or omissions of others, or some cosmic force, one
makes the initially unwelcome event one’s own inner occupation…. In ill-health and in unhappy love, this is
the hardest work: it requires taking in before letting be.
embraces us – small, fearful, disappointed, hurt, traumatized though we may
feel. God calls us – small, fearful,
disappointed, hurt, traumatized though we may be, God calls us to be amazing in
our own ways.
is with us to redeem the hurt, and in some ways this is among the most
difficult topics I ever preach about.
Sure, sermons that touch politics or sexuality have the potential to
invite more heat, but to speak and preach about human hurt, disappointment and
trauma touches us deeply. There is the
danger that I may not seem to take your experience seriously enough. I never would say, “God never gives you more
than you can handle,” because some of us have experienced such daunting
disappointment or hurtful trauma that such a statement makes little sense. It also implies that God is o.k. at some
level with all the disappointing things, the traumatic things that happen, and
I don’t believe that. God does not cause
or allow all the hurt, disappointment, and trauma in the world, though I know
there is some comfort in that idea. God
does not cause it all or allow it all, and we know God does not take all the
difficulties of life away.
God offers is God’s presence and an invitation into newness of life where we
are able to weave a rich tapestry of our experience, even our difficult
experience. God calls to us, even when
we are hurting, and the call is to a richer life. In the words of author Elizabeth Lesser, Over and over, we are broken on the shore of
life…. The promise of being broken and
the possibility of being opened are written into the contract of human
life. Certainly this tumultuous journey
on the waves can be tiresome. When the
sea is rough, and when we are suffering, we may want to give up hope and give
in to despair. But brave pilgrims have
gone before us. They tell us to venture
forth with faith and vision. (Broken Open, 273)
pilgrims have gone before us. Now when Jesus heard that John had been
arrested, he withdrew to Galilee. He
left Nazareth and made his home in Capernaum by the sea. Jesus is one of those brave pilgrims, and he
promises to walk the way with us.
Minnesota is a small town along highway 2.
It has a United Methodist Church.
Years ago I was there as their district superintendent, to lead a church
conference. It was a cold November day,
and I had left home early to make sure I arrived. I was there early, and found a parking lot to
rest and read. I had this book with me, Traits
of a Healthy Spirituality. Sitting
in my cold car, I read these words: we do
not always get what we hope for.
Sometimes… we get more than we hoped for. (119) I laughed.
A few years before that, I was finishing my Ph.D. I had two initial interviews for teaching
positions, and at that point in my life, that is what I thought I wanted to
do. I was disappointed when I never
received a call for a second interview.
But at that moment in Fosston, there was something that helped redeem
the hurt. No, I was not teaching in
Boston, but in a parking lot in Fosston.
Yet I was following God’s Spirit.
I was grateful for where life was taking me.
disappoints. Love hurts. The world and our lives are filled with
beauty and brokenness. If we can face
our hurts and traumas and disappointments honestly, and this is no easy task,
if we can take it in, there is possibility for learning, for growth, for new
life. God is always there, embracing us
in our pain. God is always there in
Jesus, calling us forward, inviting us to follow into new life. Say “yes.”
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