January 19, 2014
Texts: Isaiah
49:1-7; I Corinthians 1:1-9
I am wearing an unusual tie. Though you
might label it “ugly,” I want to tell you that it is not. The colors on this tie are the colors of the
Ugandan flag, and my daughter bought this tie for me when she was in
Uganda. That I received this tie as a
gift from my daughter makes it impossible for it to be ugly!
it is bright. It does catch one’s
attention. It is the kind of thing to
which we here in northern Minnesota might say, “well, that’s different.” Ugly tie Sunday – well that’s different.
Australian man wanted to surprise his girlfriend, so he disrobed and climbed
inside a top-loading washing machine.
The police had to use olive oil as a lubricant to get him out of the
washing machine. This was in the section
of The Week magazine under the
heading “bad week for hide and seek.”
One could say, “well, that’s different.”
woman goes into a pharmacy and asks for the pharmacist. When he comes to the counter she asks for
some cyanide. He is surprised and says,
“That’s a little unusual, and it isn’t something I can just hand out on
request. What do you want it for?” “I want to give it to my husband,” she
says. “Madam,” he says, suddenly quite
formal, “I cannot give you anything that you might use to poison anyone, no
matter what you think they have done.”
She says, ‘I don’t think it, I know it,” and she pulls a photo from her
purse and shows it to the pharmacist.
“Here’s a picture of him out with your wife.” “Oh well, that’s different,” the pharmacist
says. “You didn’t tell me you had a
different. I discovered this story on
the web site of The Nebraska Fish and Game Association. Now that’s different.
is our church conference, a time for us to consider together who we are and
where we are going as a congregation. It
is a time to consider and celebrate how we are making a difference in people’s
lives and in our community.
give thanks to my God always for you because of the grace of God that has been
given you in Christ Jesus, for in every way you have been enriched in
him.” Paul’s words in I Corinthians are
words I can say about you. I give thanks
to God for you all, and for the good work we are doing together in the grace of
Jesus Christ. Thursday night was Ruby’s
Pantry. We are in our fourth year of
this ministry, and every month it is a small miracle. We never know what the weather is going to be
like. Thursday it was brutal with the
wind. We never know what food is going
to arrive. We never know how many people
are going to come for the food. We never
know how many volunteers we are going to have.
Yet month after month food is distributed. Lives are touched. Community is created among the volunteers and
among the guests. Our roast beef dinners
are an important fund raiser. More
important to me is the community they create for us, and the welcome they
provide for the wider community. This
year a couple of our members organized a “prayer shawl” ministry. People come together to knit or crochet
shawls that are blessed and given away to people as requested, or as the group
initiates this. Our daughter Beth
received a shawl, and I know how much that meant to her and to us. I have had the delight of participating in
other shawl sharings. What a wonderful
ministry, and it didn’t happen because of a staff initiative, or by the action
of an official committee. It happened because
people share some interest, because they saw an opportunity to share God’s love
and we found some space for that. There
is room here for your ideas, too.
Sunday after
Sunday we are blessed and delighted with incredible music coordinated by our gifted
organist Velda with the wonderful music staff of Bill, Cynthia and Mike. We have so many with so many musical gifts
who are willing to share those with us.
Thank you. Worship without your
music would just be me, and I don’t want to carry that load. Sunday after Sunday, children come and learn
in our ministry area coordinated so well by Laura. And children who are interested in music have
a new opportunity on Wednesday evenings with JAM and the Peanut Butter Band
which Cynthia leads with help from others.
That has provide a great time for children and their families to
connect. Wednesdays are also when our
youth connect together under Morgan’s direction, though this week they were
here last night for a lock-in. Thank you
We have a wonderful
caring ministry, which Linda, our parish nurse coordinates, and which involves
a lot of people visiting, praying, and bringing communion. We want to make a difference for those who
are a part of this congregation by the quality of our caring for each other. We will all be helped in this when our new
directory is ready in the coming weeks, and thanks to Cindy for all her work on
that and for all that she does in communications to keep us connected.
I could go on, and
you know I can. So many people doing so
many things that keep our ministry going.
Our space is well-used, and we are often a front porch for the community
– a place where people gather together to discuss significant ideas and
issues. We make a difference in people’s
lives and we make a difference in this community and beyond. Thank you.
We have a lot to celebrate.
We are not
perfect. We don’t succeed all the
time. There may be times when we can
understand the words in Isaiah, “I have labored in vain, I have spent my
strength for nothing and vanity.” I hope
those times are few and far between! And
what is God’s response? “I will give you
as a light to the nations, that my salvation may reach to the end of the
That’s God call to
each of us today, and to us as a community.
God calls us to continue making a difference by being different. God invites us to be a different kind of
people – people not caught in greed or trapped by cynicism, but people
concerned for justice, reconciliation, compassion, kindness, and peace. I have said with some frequency that I want
this church to help us be passionate, compassionate, and thoughtful followers
of Jesus. I have with some frequency
said that I think God is at work in our lives forming us as joyful, genuine,
gentle, generous people concerned for justice.
We will make a difference as we let God’s Spirit make us different. We will make a difference as we live out our
difference in the world.
In addition to
being the day of our church conference, it is the Sunday of the celebration of
Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday, and I want to wrap this morning up with
some thoughts from him about being different and making a difference. In one of his slightly less known sermons
King preached about a complete life (“The Three Dimensions of a Complete Life”). In that sermon King said that a complete life
was a life of length, breadth and height.
Here is how he spoke:
Go out this morning. Love yourself…. You are commanded to do that. That’s the length of life. Then follow that: Love your neighbor as
yourself. You are commanded to do that.
That’s the breadth of life….
There’s a first and even greater commandment: “Love the Lord thy God
with all thy heart, with all thy soul, with all thy strength.” I think the psychologist would just say “with
all thy personality.” And when you do
that, you’ve got the height of life. And
when you get all three of these together, you can walk and never get weary. You can look up and see the morning stars
singing together, and the children of God shouting for joy. When you get all of these working together in
your very life, justice will roll down like waters, and righteousness like a
mighty stream….
When you get all three of these together,
you look up and every valley will be exalted, and every hill and mountain will
be made low; the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places
straight; and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh will see it
This is the kind
of light God wants us to be, people moving toward that complete life. This is the kind of light Jesus brings us
together to be, a place where people’s lives are made more complete. When we are made different, we make a
difference. We can be a place where
people say, “Well, they’re different” and say it with joy, because God’s Spirit
is at work on us, in us and through us.
They’re different and don’t they make a difference. May it be so.
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